story pitches

This week’s homework was to make up three story pitches for our final project at Animation Mentor. I’ve actually been working on this one idea (really, anything surrounding this original character I created) for some time now, and I’ve wanted to do my short film on her since before I applied to AM. However, we did need three ideas to meet the grading requirements, each of them in the format you see below.

Here are my three ideas:

Pitch #1: “A Cross Titan” starring Briar — A Ramswoole Maide Adventure™

We open: on a close-up of a flower in a clearing after a forest. The titles fade, what looks like roots on the flower twitch, become legs, and the flower walks away. As it leaves, Briar enters. She’s a faun, young and thin, with ram horns on her head.

She’s obviously hungry, and is looking around for edible things as she walks down the path out of the forest. Then she sees it: across a bridge that spans a gorge, there’s a single tree with a single, ripe, delicious-looking fruit hanging from a low branch. She is elated, and walks quickly towards the bridge

Until: she steps on what looks like a stone, until it opens its eye and glares, angrily. We see her from behind as she nears the bridge, and a shadow overtakes her. She turns just in time to see a rock Titan swinging an arm down to smash her. She ducks, and it misses her but demolishes the bridge anchor posts on her side of the gorge. The bridge collapses. Briar exclaims wordlessly at the fruit, and at the Titan.

And then: the Titan attacks again. She dodges to the left, trying to circle around it, but it’s too large. One massive arm comes down to block her way; she turns tail and runs to the right. The Titan shifts, bringing its other arm down. It lands inches from her feet and the ground shatters.

She looks left, and right; she can’t see a way out.

And then: she notices that the Titan has plenty of space between its legs. It is closing on her now, pushing her to the edge of the gorge. She steadies herself, waiting for its swing. Both arms come up, and as it brings them down for the killing blow she dives between the Titan’s legs. She tucks into a roll, and on the other side of the Titan she mule-kicks him as hard as she can. The Titan loses balance and falls.

Close up on her as she waits for the inevitable crashing sound!

Until finally: she turns to see why the Titan has not crashed, and she sees that the Titan is just the right length to act as a temporary bridge. She crosses happily, pausing while on his back to give him a victorious face, then runs to grab her fruit.

(Optional, depending on time:) After the credits roll, we see her standing near the Titan’s hands, eating her fruit. She’s slowly kicking the fingers on each hand off the edge of the gorge.

Moral: In every obstacle there is opportunity. Also: Never cross a Ramswoole Maide.

Pitch #2: “Not My Kind of Dinner Guest” starring Granny MacGee

We open: on a kindly old woman in a living room. There’s a television, a reclining chair, and a TV tray atop which is a smoking TV dinner. The woman sits gingerly and looks about to enjoy a quiet evening in with her stories and meal.

Until: a cockroach appears from behind the television, frightening her. At first, it stays near the television so she tries to ignore it, but she can’t seem to take a bite with it there. She throws a ball of yarn at it. The cockroach dodges.

And then: it advances towards her. She freaks, stands (more nimbly than one would expect), and backs away. She grabs the knife off her TV dinner tray and tosses it, expertly, at the cockroach. It dodges again and continues to advance, pushing Granny MacGee down the hall. She tosses things she can put her hands on — a vase (from which she gently removes flowers beforehand), a coat rack, even a bowling ball off a bowling trophy on a table in the hallway. When that misses, she throws the table.

And then: she is backed into a corner with a closed door blocking her path. She feels for the knob but can’t find it. The roach comes closer, and closer. She feels her clothing and pockets, patting down her body to find anything else to throw, and her hands find her mouth. A light goes on. She pulls out her dentures and, just as the roach gets within arms reach, she brings the dentures down as hard as she can, splattering the bug.

Finally: she returns to her chair, picks up her fork, and flips on the TV. Then she realizes she can’t eat without her teeth.

Moral: Desperation in moderation.

Pitch #3: [ Untitled at the moment ] Starring Roger Jolly (Yes, the One and Only)

We open: on a pirate ship.

There’s a pirate with a sword, pushing a man tied with ropes to walk the plank.

The man pleads for his life. The pirate yawns.

The man gets on his knees and begs and begs! The pirate gestures with the sword for the man to get on with it.

The man comes off the plank and kisses the pirate’s boot. The pirate gets fed up (“Oh, for the love of Davy…”), and kicks the man backwards, off the plank.

The man scrambles! He holds on with his teeth! Then he falls.

He screams and screams and then: He finds out the ocean is only ankle deep.

The pirate looks over the edge, smiling, and loses his grin when he finds the man not dead.

The man in the “water” sniffs the water and throws up a little, you know, in his mouth.

Zoom out through a series of quick cuts! We find out that the entire thing happened inside a sky-colored cereal bowl.

The man who was eating the cereal is caught with the spoon in mid-air, mouth wide open. He picks up a carton of milk from OS and sniffs it. He throws up a little, you know, in his mouth.

Finally, we see the milk carton land in a garbage can.

Moral: Don’t drink expired milk unless you’re ready for wicked hallucinations.

There’s one other thing I wanted to post today. Last week I did my first bit of texture painting at work. That alone was interesting, but I also used Blender to do a bit of texture baking onto the character so that I wouldn’t have to paint the whole thing in 2D in Photoshop. The essential technique is to import the mesh of the character with UVs into Blender (or to UV it in Blender, seeing as Blender is still the best UVing tool on the market), then to add a texture that’s projected differently and bake the projection down into the UV layout. This way you can more easily lay complex patterns and colors onto your mesh without having to pay for ZBrush or BodyPaint 3D. Both of those packages are great at what they do, but for AM students just trying to spice up a character they’re a bit expensive.

Anyway, here’s the video I made. Hope it helps someone.

qt 4.5 now lgpl

Some excellent news: Qt is soon to be released under the LGPL. Long story short, this means you can now use Qt for commercial projects (provided you’re careful and understand how the LGPL 2.1 and provided you don’t modify the Qt libraries) without paying the old $4995US fee.

They’re still providing the “commercial” release for people who want to pay for it. I suppose in some circumstances companies might need it, depending on what other code they need to interface with, but for the majority of new projects the LGPL license is perfect.

I’d always shied away from Qt in the past because as good as it is, the licensing was too restrictive for some of the things I wanted to do. But combine this news with the fact that Qt 4.5 will support 64-bit Cocoa for app creation and I’m already planning on using it for my next personal project.


I’m finally downloading the Windows 7 Beta right now. I tried a few times yesterday under Vista, as my desktop is only booted into XP when I have a straggling program that won’t run in the newer OS, and as I’ve said before on my blogs I quite like Vista. Every time I tried to download the beta, however, the ActiveX component I needed to get it going wouldn’t install.

So I booted into XP and the download is now running happily. I guess Microsoft still has a few things to work out.

After the last MacBook Pro fiasco and reinstalling from my Time Machine backup, Mail decided to fail on me. Again. It acted like I was a new user and lost all my old messages. Thankfully I haven’t deleted messages from my account on the server in a long time, so I can just re-download them, but this is a serious problem with the way Mail works that has bugged me for years. I switched this morning to Thunderbird, which I’ve gotten used to at work and which, while not pretty or as feature-rich as Mail, should suffice.

Wonder what that’s going to do to my iPhone syncing, but I suppose that’s a problem for another day. For now, back to work.

back at work

I had planned on heading in to work Saturday and Sunday after I got back from Puerto Rico, but was told to enjoy the last two days of my vacation before coming in for two more hard weeks. Score.

I did get some sleep in. A friend of TJ’s whom I met Friday night reminded me of keeping the room dark, so I’ve been playing with a sleep mask which seems to have somewhat of an effect.

As far as my film goes, I spent most of Saturday in Lightwave 9. I’d had a lot of crashing issues before when using dynamics in the beginning; under 9.31 the cereal tutorial on the official videos site was impossible. However, all’s well now.

There were two things that I wanted to use dynamics on: one is a sugar cube for this site. I tried a bunch of different ways to make sugar cubes using only textures / displacement with simple geometry, but nothing looked right. Then I had the idea of using hard-body dynamics on a bunch of tiny cubes and letting them settle into the shape I wanted.

Interestingly, bounding-sphere collisions between the few hundred or so tiny cubes ended up creating a nicer-looking sugar cube than using bounding-box collisions. The boxes also took a magnitude longer to calculate. Anyway, I won’t bother posting the interim images since it’ll become the header of this blog once get it finished.

The other thing I wanted to test in LW was whether or not I could use it for the effects shot in my movie, the bridge collapse. I’m almost 100% sure I can do what I need with ClothFX and a hard-body FX link, and it’ll be easier to accomplish in LW than in anything else I have. People told me when I bought it that I was crazy for doing so, and still tell me that, but I keep finding new reasons that warrant my purchase.

On the Cinema 4D front I made some scripting progress. The supplied language, COFFEE, lacks a lot of what I consider necessary utility functions, things like easily applying constraints or even something as simple as being able to tell which object was selected first in a list. Yesterday I got through making a function for applying IK constraints. It’s really simple, taking the starting object, the ending object, the goal object, and the pole vector object as parameters. I went through a few versions of the function (again, it’s really simple — only five or six lines long) until I was happy with how it worked in the scheme of the whole script.

The next thing is aim constraints. They’re a little harder because of how C4D handles them, but I think I sorted out one of the issues I was having late last night, so all that’s left is to test out my idea.

a whole new year

I dropped off my MacBook Pro — again — for, hopefully, a fix and an end to my issues with the graphics card. They also fixed my iPhone, or rather, replaced it with a new unit and swapped out the sim card.

I’d forgotten how nice a fully functional iPhone is. Mine’s been busted for so long I’d gotten used to the lack of my ringer off switch.

My sister flies out tomorrow. We got her to watch Ms. Pettigrew Lives For A Day (one of those lovely movies you have to see if you haven’t, the kind you keep on hand in case of rainy days, bad news, or emotional meltdowns), and that got us on the topic of Lee Pace and how much we’re mourning The Piemaker, which got us on the topic of Bryan Fuller. She’s an IMDB nut, not unlike our father, so we now know that Fuller’s had his hands in a lot of shows we’ve both enjoyed, like Star Trek Voyager and Dead Like Me. Much as I enjoy Heroes, I find it odd that it survives and the more interesting shows he’s worked on over the years have, not failed, but been killed off.

Makes me wonder when the entertainment sea-change the Internet was supposed to bring about will actually arrive. I feel at times that we’re close; The Guild and Pure Pwnage prove that smaller narratives can be possible on tight budgets. Sanctuary must have been successful in order to spawn the Sci-fi channel series. But when will we get that truly break-out bit of entertainment from an indie studio? Something everyone tunes in to watch through their browsers, because it’s as good or better than what’s on TV?

There have been a lot of shows in England that started with only a six-show season. Maybe that’s not a bad target for a compelling, 22-minute Internet series. Now’s about the time for this to hit, with all the good shows getting taken off the air in lieu of reality programs and Howie Do It.

Just need someone like Felicia Day of Joss Whedon to lead the charge.

a short review

You know all the bad reviews for The Spirit? Listen to them. They’re all right.

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early sunday morning

If you didn’t know, seeing the wrong side of sunrise means you were up too late. That was this morning. I guess my body thinks it caught up on enough sleep? The hell it has. I think I finally managed to get my eyes to stay shut at around 5am, which was about the time the local roosters began their daily song and dance.

Oh well. As I type this we’re on the way to el pulgero, apparently for fruit. I got a second 4-gig memory card yesterday after filling up the one I came with; never thought I’d be able to do that is such a short period of time, but switching to RAW cut the number of shots I can take in half. It’s be nice if RAW images could be saved with the same level of data, but with less megapixels.

I can’t wait to get to editing these shots, though. Maybe I’ll get some more good ones in a few.

… And I’m back! Found the coolest thing: a Singer button holer from (I think) the 50’s. Only cost me $15!


puerto rico at the half-way point

Well, not actually half-way. I leave on Monday. But close enough.

It’s been a nice trip. Mostly I’ve been rampantly narcoleptic; two days ago I fell asleep at around 9pm and managed to stay asleep for twelve hours. That’s an impressive feat for a chronic insomniac.

My mother loved her gift, and my sister is slowly using hers (she was promised a shopping spree up to an unspecified dollar amount; she’s planning on spending the rest at Eaton Center when we get to Toronto). Me, I got this really lovely hand-bound, calf-skin journal filled with blank pages. It’s the kind of book you’d open, expecting to find an Age of Myst. It’s lovely and I as yet have no idea what’s going in it. That’s the problem with really nice blank paper — you want to fill it with really nice words and sketches.

My sister and I saw Desperaux on Christmas day, and I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it. The plotting was well-paced, the animation was mostly nice (some lip sync and the motion of secondary characters notwithstanding), the rendering was top notch (with depth of field used sparingly, but to good effect), and while the story did feel cut a bit short I thought the overall piece came off quite well. It’s not the kind of fairytale to which you’d take a Disney-loving crowd– for one, it begins with the death of a Queen. And technically it’s a death due to idiocy; since I doubt the rat gave her a heart attack, then I have to assume she drowned after fainting into her bowl of soup. Anyway, it’s a very nice film that I almost skipped and am glad I didn’t. Sigourney Weaver’s narration is icing on the cake.

The weather’s been nice (nice being a relative term, as I don’t consider 31 and humid nice), and there will be many pictures uploaded to Flickr once I’ve returned and have had a chance to sort through them. Bringing my camera but leaving my laptop turned out to be a good idea. Aside from photos, I’ve gotten some design work done on two projects I’m looking forward to starting on come January, and worked out a few other things on paper that I’ll be needing for projects already in progress.

Speaking of which, my current project at Red Rover will be winding up soon(ish) after I get back, but Class 5 will begin at Animation Mentor, so time’s still going to be at a premium for me for a while. Lots of research to do for my short film. I feel like Maya may be the only software that can accomplish everything I want to do in the timeframe I have (since I’m modeling and rigging both characters in my short on my own and will also be doing a bridge collapse), but at the same time there’s this one thing I learned about myself over the past few months that keeps nagging at me:

The less time I spend in Maya, the happier I am.

Naturally I’m torn. I’m also torn on the rendering, although that’s a problem that won’t really need tackling until after animation is finished. Still, I’d like to have a least an idea of how the final stills are going to look before I start animating, because the look may limit the kinds of motion I can use. Dimos said something that I took to heart a few weeks ago: a strong silhouette isn’t just about the outline of the character, but can also incorporate the color of the character’s skin. For example, if a character has light arms but is wearing a dark t-shirt, you can get away with the arm passing in front of the chest more easily because the coloring will make it stand out. I’ve been mulling that over in my mind as I start planning out my film, as well as a host of other tidbits he’s passed along over the past few years.

On the animation side of things, it’s down to a race between Blender (possibly 2.5, if the release hits in time), Maya 2008, Lightwave 9.6, or Cinema 4D R11. I’ve had this dream of doing the final renders using a Renderman-compliant renderer like 3Delight, but since I already own C4D and Lightwave and both have decent renderers, I may end up importing the animation into one of them and using one of their renderers. Of the two I’d lean towards Lightwave because C4D’s subsurface scattering leaves a lot to be desired (or requires more tricks than it should before becoming useful, tricks I don’t really have the time to learn at the moment). When I get home one of the first things I want to do is a few render tests out of Lightwave to see how easy its node-based system is for getting some of the looks I want.

So much to think through, so little time!

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vacation, ho!

Testing the WordPress app on my iPhone before I cross the border on the way to the Buffalo airport. If you can see this, then it worked!

I have to say: apart from a few hitches and bad defaults, going with Yahoo hosting was a good choice. I was already with them for two of my domain names, and for email, and having all the services in the same place is a good feeling. Also, new email accounts I add to get the ability to be checked through both a regular pop3 server as well as through the standard Yahoo mail interface. That’s nifty.

So I’m off — I’m leaving my laptop at home and I’ll be basically unplugged for at least a week (it all depends on the interweb connection at Mom’s place, which may or may not be intermittent). Happy holidays, you. See you when I get back.

Or when I find an open Wifi spot and feel like posting again from my iPhone.


just a placeholder

It’s going to take a bit of time before I move my blog properly from the old Outtro to its new home here at Please bear with me as we might be under construction for a while!