I’m currently a Character Technical Director at Mr. X Inc. in Toronto, Canada. I also do development with FUNHouse Interactive.
This blog is the random mishmash that are my thoughts. I hope you find some of them either helpful or amusing.
I’m currently a Character Technical Director at Mr. X Inc. in Toronto, Canada. I also do development with FUNHouse Interactive.
This blog is the random mishmash that are my thoughts. I hope you find some of them either helpful or amusing.
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#1 by Simon Bull on 2012/08/30 - 5:40 pm
Charles!! I found you!
#2 by C.J on 2013/12/06 - 3:48 pm
I have a py script in maya that actually uses joints from imported files, renames them and retargets them to the HIK quickly, but I can only do it to one file at a time. I was searching the internet to find a way to improve on that and found your post about batching. I would like to get in touch with you and maybe get some further information on that batching process, and if you’re interested, I can pass on the py HIK retargeting batching.