I upgraded my Blackberry last night to the Bold 9780. The initial shock of an OS two major number revisions after what I’d been using was huge, but the guy at the shop transferred all my contacts and email and everything was up and running again with almost no pain. That’s something Blackberry has up on the iPhone– had I gone for an iPhone 4, I’d have had to take the phone home to transfer my contacts as opposed to having a working phone 30 minutes after purchase for a night on the town.

January has been a rough month. There was a seriously crazy deadline at work that has now been pushed, so the first half of the month found me working a lot. Now, I find myself with time again, and that’s pretty exciting.

Work lately has been mostly about asset manipulation– shader updates, automatic updates, and so forth. I’ve been learning a lot about the limitations of such things and about how to determine when a scripted approach can be beneficial, provided all assets are in the same format. That’s not saying there isn’t a bunch of work to be done up front. A lot needs to be scripted or done by a very meticulous person.

I think I might do a few short tutorials here on 3Delight, because the more I use it the more I love it and the more I realize there are a number of things about it that are quite confusing. Here’s hoping my free time stays free.