Dimos and I headed out over the weekend to see Mike in New York. The title of this post is what Dimos screamed, cheerleader-on-prom-night-in-the-back-of-a-volkswagen style, every five minutes. Somehow it never got old.
There are amazing pictures taken by Mike of both Dimos and myself on Facebook; hopefully I’ll find some time this weekend to get the pics of my own camera and Flickrize them.
I might talk a bit more about the trip in a few days, but what I actually wanted to write is this:
To project a worldspace point into camera space, you need to multiply the camera’s view matrix by its projection matrix. The projection matrix is grabbable through the OpenMaya API (there’s a function for it on MFnCamera). The view matrix is simply the inverse of the worldspace transform matrix.
Needed to get that out of my head and into a place I wouldn’t lose it. If that makes no sense to you, just pretend it wasn’t there. 🙂